Results for 'Paula Concha Gacitúa'

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  1.  16
    Modelamiento del rol de enfermería del control de salud escolar.Paula Concha Gacitúa - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-10.
    La pandemia obligó a suspender actividades prácticas de la carrera de enfermería adaptándolas a modalidad online, dificultando el desarrollo de las habilidades procedimentales de los estudiantes. Como alternativa, se construyeron 6 cápsulas audiovisuales demostrativas de un control, con la posterior explicación de estas. Se destaca que un 90% de los estudiantes desarrollaron las habilidades, el 84% aprobó la prueba de unidad y el 87% está muy de acuerdo con que la estrategia facilitó su aprendizaje. Se concluye que la estrategia de (...)
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    Thank Goodness–Parking Tickets aren’t Tax Deductible: Practical advice on filing for tax returns.Frank Zenker & Paula Quinon - unknown
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  3. Der Ursprung des Lebens.Remigius Stölzle & Paula Stölzle - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (2):70-70.
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  4. Introductory chapter.Lisa Feldman Barrett, Paula Niedenthal & Piotr Winkielman - 2005 - In Lisa Feldman Barrett, Paula M. Niedenthal & Piotr Winkielman (eds.), Emotion and Consciousness. New York: Guilford Press.
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    Ethical Issues in Research Supervision: A Commentary.David Cole & Paula McGee - 2006 - Research Ethics 2 (4):144-146.
    This case study appeared in full in the last issue of Research Ethics Review (2006; 2(3): 108). It concerned the supervision of Simon Shaw, a senior radiographer undertaking an MSc, whose research focused on the professional and parental response to fetal tissue abnormalities.
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    Arrow of Time without a Past Hypothesis.Dustin Lazarovici & Paula Reichert - unknown
    The paper discusses recent proposals by Carroll and Chen, as well as Barbour, Koslowski, and Mercati to explain the arrow of time without a Past Hypothesis, i.e. the assumption of a special initial state of the universe. After discussing the role of the Past Hypothesis and the controversy about its status, we explain why Carroll's model - which establishes an arrow of time as typical - can ground sensible predictions and retrodictions without assuming something akin to a Past Hypothesis. We (...)
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    Negativity bias in false memory: moderation by neuroticism after a delay.Catherine J. Norris, Paula T. Leaf & Kimberly M. Fenn - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):737-753.
    ABSTRACTThe negativity bias is the tendency for individuals to give greater weight, and often exhibit more rapid and extreme responses, to negative than positive information. Using the Deese-Roediger-McDermott illusory memory paradigm, the current study sought to examine how the negativity bias might affect both correct recognition for negative and positive words and false recognition for associated critical lures, as well as how trait neuroticism might moderate these effects. In two experiments, participants studied lists of words composed of semantic associates of (...)
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    Protecting Research Subjects after Consent: The Case for the "Research Intermediary".Stanley Joel Reiser & Paula Knudson - 1993 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 15 (2):10.
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    Estéticas da crueldade.Angela Maria Dias & Paula Glenadel (eds.) - 2004 - Rio de Janeiro: Atlântica Editora.
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  10. Literary epoché in the African context. "Isn't it just possible that we are all abikus?": the prevalence of the abiku/ogbanje motif in the literature of Nigeria.Paula García-Ramírez - 2021 - In Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska (eds.), Intersubjective plateaus in language and communication. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Development of the spiral aftereffect.Maurice Hershenson & Paula Bader - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (4):300-301.
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    Lleupeko tuwün. Un estudio exploratorio sobre niveles de competencia en mapuzungun en niños mapuches de la araucanía.Paula Alonqueo Boudon, Fernando Wittig González & Nataly Huenchunao Huenchunao - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 44:119-135.
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    The Forging of Israel: Iron Technology, Symbolism, and Tradition in Ancient Society.J. D. Muhly & Paula M. McNutt - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (4):696.
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    Moral and angry emotions provoked by informal social control.Armelle Nugier, Paula M. Niedenthal, Markus Brauer & Peggy Chekroun - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (8):1699-1720.
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    Commercial Advertising of Alcohol: Using Law to Challenge Public Health Regulation.Paula O’Brien, Robin Room & Dan Anderson-Luxford - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (2):240-249.
    In most countries, the alcohol industry enjoys considerable freedom to market its products. Where government regulation is proposed or enacted, the alcohol industry has often deployed legal arguments and used legal forums to challenge regulation. Governments considering marketing regulation must be cognizant of relevant legal constraints and be prepared to defend their policies against industry legal challenges.
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    Aprender las Cuestiones Socialmente Vivas con medios digitales. El caso de la formación docente en el AMBA, Argentina.Virginia Saez, Ana Paula Cappadona & Lucio Nemirovsky - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:197-216.
    Este artículo tiene un doble objetivo: describir y analizar los aprendizajes de las cuestiones socialmente vivas con medios digitales y recursos multimediales; y caracterizar las potencialidades de estos medios en las clases de Ciencias Sociales a partir de la educación remota de emergencia. Estas transformaciones trajeron mutaciones en el oficio de ser estudiante. Desde la perspectiva instrumental identificamos aprendizajes vinculados con: la administración del tiempo personal, la organización de los recursos multimediales y las nuevas demandas de aprendizaje. Por su parte, (...)
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  17. Direito administrativo.Daniela Paula Betini Silva - 1999 - Princípios 6:03.
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  18. A ficçao de Joao Aguiar: A alquimiz de uma escrita múltipla.Ana Paula Arnaut - 1997 - Humanitas 49:283-306.
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    (1 other version)No title available.Jesus de Paula Assis - 1997 - Trans/Form/Ação 20 (1):131-136.
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    Regla de la suma para calcular probabilidades de dos o más eventos.Paula Andrea Rodas Rendón, Luz María Ospina Gutiérrez & Angela María Lanzas Duque - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  21. Arte, objetos, ficción, cuerpo: Cuatro ensayos sobre estética.Chantal Paula Rosengurt - 2014 - Tópicos 28:01-04.
    El dialeteísmo es la posición que afirma que hay contradicciones verdaderas. Este artículo versará sobre esa posición. En la primera sección, mencionaré los principales aportes que, en mi perspectiva, el dialeteísmo ha hecho a la lógica filosófica. En la segunda sección, analizaré el principal problema del dialeteísmo. En la tercera sección, mostraré que los argumentos a favor del dialeteísmo no llegan a establecer la verdad de esta posición. Finalmente, explicaré cuál es el tipo de paraconsistencia que considero adecuada y la (...)
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    Corporate Environmental Responsibilities and Executive Compensation: A Risk Management Perspective.Jongyu Paula Hao & Fei Kang - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (1):145-179.
    In this article, we examine how firms design executive compensation in light of their risk environment. Prior literature shows that corporate environmental responsibility (CER) of a firm inversely affects firm risk. We argue that firms with better CER performance benefit from the reduced firm risk, and therefore are more likely to provide greater managerial risk‐taking incentives to encourage the risk‐averse managers to undertake risk‐increasing but positive net present value (NPV) investments. Consistent with our hypotheses, we find that a firm’s CER (...)
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    From Tradition to Modernization. Church and the Transylvanian Romanian Family in the Modern Era.Ioan Bolovan & Sorina Paula Bolovan - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (20):107-133.
    The Christian Church was intimately involved in the life of an individual within a family. Between state and church there was a mutual cooperation, the church having the right to exercise its moral jurisdiction, while the state controlled the civil and military aspects of family life, as well as children’s and wives’ inheritance and welfare. With the institution of an absolutist government in Transylvania in the 18th–19th centuries, the rela-tion between state and church changed, as the secular power began to (...)
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  24. APEIRON: a journal for ancient philosophy and science.Daniel W. Graham, Paula Gottlieb, Howard J. Curzer & Yvon Lafrance - 1990 - Apeiron 23 (2):87-119.
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    Análise de estratégias de coping em cuidadores de crianças cardiopatas congênitas: um estudo comparativo.Mariane Lersch Majid, Paula Moraes Pfeifer & Patricia Pereira Ruschel - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (2):7-14.
    As cardiopatias congênitas são caracterizadas por anormalidade na estrutura cardiovascular, presente desde a vida fetal, sendo estimados 30 mil casos por ano, no Brasil. Apresentam alta taxa de mortalidade, requerendo, muitas vezes, hospitalizações, intervenções e cirurgias. É necessário atentar para necessidades das figuras maternas e paternas e suas formas de enfrentamento, pois fazem parte do suporte na recuperação da criança. Este estudo transversal objetivou identificar as estratégias de enfrentamento adotadas pelos pais, durante a hospitalização da criança, verificar se existe diferença (...)
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  26. Citizen sensing - development of a participatory risk management system.Asma Mehan, Paula Gonçalves, Ana Monteiro, Paulo Conceição & Sara Cruz - 2019 - 12th CITTA International Conference on Planning Research.
    Climate change exposes ecological and socio-economic systems to risks. The identified disparities in knowledge about the social climate system are at the root of the difficulties in perceiving and understanding the diversity of risks related to climate change. The still huge gap between what science and technological innovation can contribute to mitigation and what is unmanageable by humans inevitably requires a continuous process of adaptation. This work is part of the research associated with the European project (under the ERA4CS) 'Citizen (...)
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    Alfonso Monsalve Solórzano: Colombia: democracia y paz.Paula Cristina Mira B., Sergio B. Muñoz F. & Andrés E. Saldarriaga M. - 2005 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 31:149-153.
    Alfonso Monsalve Solórzano: Colombia: democracia y paz. Medellín, Fondo Editorial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 1999, pp. 378.
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    Hospitalidad y soberanía. Reflexiones políticas en torno de la filosofía de Jacques Derrida.Ana Paula Penchaszadeh - 2009 - Isegoría 40:177-190.
    El presente trabajo interroga los vínculos entre soberanía y hospitalidad y la importancia deconstructiva de la segunda sobre la primera. Si bien, a primera vista, pareciera que lo que hace posible la hospitalidad como derecho efectivo es la soberanía, siguiendo los trazos de la filosofía de Jacques Derrida, se hace manifiesto que la hospitalidad, al depender de la soberanía, del derecho que se arrogan los Estados de hacer efectivo el derecho, se ve constantemente aplazada y pervertida. Existe un lazo productivo (...)
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    Sacramental Swallow.Nancy M. Rourke & Paula Leslie - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (2):253-262.
    This paper contributes to our understanding of participation in the Eucharist by examining the swallow. The paper begins with a thick description of the swallow as act, as phenomenon, and as symbol. This description reveals the swallow’s interstitial nature, which is then examined for its implications on the meaning of participation in the sacrament. The paper then recommends approaches to the Eucharist for Catholics for whom swallowing is difficult or impossible. The paper finally incorporates these findings with the ex opere (...)
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    Religião e política: embate de sentidos sobre a fé evangélica em posts de pastores no Instagram.Cristiane Carvalho de Paula Brito & Thyago Madeira França - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (2).
    ABSTRACT This work aims to reflect on possible meanings for the evangelical faith based on utterances produced by three evangelical ministers in their social networks when they enunciate on themes that are linked, directly or indirectly, to political agendas. Based on the theoretical scope of studies in Applied Linguistics and on Bakhtinian conceptions of language, our analyzes point to three predominant meanings, which mean the evangelical faith as: i) reaffirmation of identity; ii) exercise of otherness and respect to the other; (...)
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  31. Plural Epistemic Indefinites ∗.Paula Men´Endez-Benitob - unknown
    Across languages, we find epistemic indefinites, i.e. existential determiners that can convey information about the speaker’s epistemic state.1 One such indefinite is Spanish alg´un, which marks ignorance on the part of the speaker. By using alg´un in (1a) the speaker signals that he is unable (or unwilling) to identify the doctor that Mar´ıa married. Hence, it would be odd for him to add a namely continuation that explicitly identifies the doctor in question, as in (1b). From now on, we will (...)
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    Biotelemetry recording of the electrical activity of the hippocampus and amygdala during sexual behavior in the cat.Thomas L. Bennett, Paula L. Hill & Jonathan French - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (1):57-60.
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    Platão.Anderson De Paula Borges - 2010 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 15 (1):197-202.
    Review of the book "Platão", que é uma tradução feita a partir do original: “A Companion do Plato”, publicado pela Blackwell e organizado Hugh H. Benson.
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    Cidades educadoras e educação em humanidades.Patricia Ketzer & Ana Paula Scheffer - 2020 - Filosofia E Educação 12 (2).
    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo investigar como o movimento Cidades Educadoras pode contribuir para a educação em humanidades, a qual vem sendo, a cada reforma educacional, mais escamoteada. Pretende-se demonstrar a possibilidade da educação em humanidades nos espaços não formais e informais de ensino, como é o caso da cidade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica na qual serão abordados, na primeira parte o conceito de cidade e democracia. Posteriormente, apresenta-se uma análise da importância da educação em humanidades no contexto (...)
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    Memórias de diretores: Entre práticas E histórias do cotidiano escolar.João Pedro Pezzato, Joyce Mary Adam De Paula E. Silva, Magali de Fátima Dias Borges & Maria Isabel Nogueira Tuppy - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 21 (41):135-154.
    O presente artigo consiste no registro de memórias de um diretor e de uma diretora que atuaram em escolas públicas de M inas Gerais, e na análise de suas narrativas. O objetivo foi captar suas representações sobre as práticas administrativas e pedagógicas rememoradas dos anos de exercício profissional. Com a metodologia da história oral, nossa investigação buscou construir uma interpretação a respeito de atitudes, posturas e práticas enraizadas nos rituais da escola contemporânea. Pudemos observar que no período estudado havia uma (...)
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    Teachers’ emotions in the time of COVID: Thematic analysis of interview data reveals drivers of professional agency.Karen Porter, Paula Jean Miles & David Ian Donaldson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    PurposeWe explored two complex phenomena associated with effective education. First, teachers’ professional agency, the volitional actions they take in response to perceived opportunities, was examined to consider individual differences in its enactment. Second, “strong” emotions have been proposed as important in teaching and learning, and we wished to clarify which basic emotions might be involved, besides curiosity, which is a known emotional factor in engagement in teaching. We also explored how agency and basic emotions might be related.ApproachThirteen teachers working in (...)
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  37. A porta, a ponte, o buraco, um orelhão.Ana Paula Vieceli - 2016 - In Dirce Eleonora Nigro Solis (ed.), Querências de Derrida, moradas da arquitetura e filosofia: arquitetura e filosofia da desconstrução. Porto Alegre: UFRGS.
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    Agenda global e experiências locais inovadoras.Ana Paula Morgardo Carneiro, José Eduardo Pereira Filho, Marcelly de Freitas Gomes & Liana Paraguassu - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7377.
    Inspiradas no modelo schumpteriano de inovação nos segmentos produtivo e tecnológico, as diretrizes das agências multilaterais (Banco Mundial, Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico, Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento) em favor da agenda inovadora no setor público têm tido, desde o final do século passado, uma ampla capilaridade entre os países. No caso brasileiro, as experiências pontuais tiveram início mais precisamente já na segunda década, possuindo, portanto, um breve histórico de atuação nas instâncias municipais e estaduais e no âmbito federal. (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Researching Pregnant Women.Shirley Jones & Paula McGee - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (1):18-18.
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    After Patriarchy: Feminist Transformations of the World Religions.Marilyn F. Nefsky, Paula M. Cooey, William R. Eakin & Jay B. McDaniel - 1994 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 14:252.
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    literaturas de fronteira: companheiros (d)e viagens à URSS no Brasil contempor'neo.Ana Paula Palamartchuk - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (2):61.
    No cenário literário brasileiro do início da década de 1950, chama a atenção a publicação quase simultânea de O mundo da paz e Os subterrâneos da liberdade de Jorge Amado, e Viagem e Memórias do cárcere de Graciliano Ramos. Romancistas brasileiros já consagrados pela crítica e pelo público, ambos revelam nessas publicações a radicalidade com a qual se identificam com o comunismo e com a experiência soviética. Ao mesmo tempo, os relatos de viagem e os livros de memória, se vistos (...)
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    Conflict and Resolution: The Ethics of Forgiveness, Revenge, and Punishment.Krisanna M. Scheiter & Paula Satne (eds.) - 2022 - Switzerland: Springer Nature.
    Given the current climate of political division and global conflict it is not surprising that there has been an increasing interest in how we ought to respond to perceived wrongdoing, both personal and political. In this volume, top scholars from around the world contribute all new original essays on the ethics of forgiveness, revenge, and punishment. -/- This book draws on both historical and contemporary debates in order to answer important questions about the nature of forgiveness, the power of apology, (...)
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    Musing about the Muse.Joan Semmel, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Eleanor Antin & Josephine Withers - 1983 - Feminist Studies 9 (1):26.
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  44. Teacher Beliefs, Perceptions of Behavior Problems, and Intervention Preferences.Rick Jay Short & Paula M. Short - 1989 - Journal of Social Studies Research 13 (2):28-33.
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  45. Evaluating Research and Development.I. R. Weschler & Paula Brown - 1954 - Philosophy of Science 21 (1):76-76.
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    " Muddy Eels"(Archilochus 189W).Paula da Cunha Correa - 2002 - Synthesis (la Plata) 9:81-90.
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  47. Poesía Y memoria.Paula A. Dejanon Bonilla - 2010 - Escritos 18 (41):480-491.
    La poesía es un espacio en el que la palabra se materializa en instante. En ella se encuentran mundos inesperados, olvidadosque se vuelven a hacer presentes para recordar así que en la palabra de un poeta están contenidos todos los hombres, todoslos sueños, todos los tiempos. La palabra es proyección de la existencia, es una necesidad de no caer en el olvido, por lomenos en uno que no sea profundo, inolvidable, irrecuperable.
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    Consideraciones críticas de la noción de cuerpo propio.Paula Diaz Romero - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (170):187-203.
    El trabajo ofrece un análisis crítico a la noción de cuerpo propio (Leib) en M. Merleau-Ponty, como superación del dualismo cuerpo-mente. Se amplía dicha noción para integrar las experiencias del cuerpo físico (Körper) y posibilitar el diálogo entre fe-nomenología y medicina, al proponer una fenomenología del organismo doliente.
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    Mujer basura: performance y feminismos.Paula Naanim Telis - 2016 - [Argentina]: Milena Caserola.
  50. O Fogo de Prometeu.Ana Paula Quintela - 2001 - Humanitas 53:133-140.
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